Thursday, October 4, 2012

Finally here!! The 2011 Allen & Ginter Codebreaker set!!

At long last.

This is the moment Ryan, Frank and I have been waiting for since February 23, 2012. Ever since we cracked the 2011 Ginter Code, we were excited to receive the Codebreaker set, true token of our accomplishment and proof that we did not make it up to friends and families (especially wives).

A few things at to be worked out with Topps, as always when it comes to items of this importance. In the end, everything turned out for the best - even though it feels like it would have moved faster if I could have walked to the NYC offices to pick it up ;-)

With no further ado, here is the "box break" video (featuring Maggie, our dog, who felt compelled to make an appearance):

Note: for those of you who watched it till the end and paid attention, you might have noticed that a couple of names are missing from that package. This is because Topps had to gather a few items at the last minute, and those missed the shipment to the place where the minis get framed. We will receive the rest of the set over the next few weeks.

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